Atomic Absorption Spectrometer

Make : Thermo Scientific (USA)

Model: iCE- 3300

Applicable Fields
  • Applicable in qualitative and quantitative analysis of Pharmaceuticals
  • Clinical analysis of metals in biological fluids and tissues.
Advanced Features:
  • A simple, versatility single atomizer AAS with fully automatic gas box from Thermo Scientific
  • Latest model with high precision coded lamps for exceptional optical stability.
Instrument Capabilities
  • Wide measurement range with ability to measure major elements in samples as well as key contaminants that pose risk to product quality.
  • The high Precision, Double beam optics provide unrivalled performance, unparalleled detection limits and exceptional optical stability.
  • Duterium background correction for high Accuracy.
  • Superior detection limits and a fully inert sample system
  • Universal finned titanium burner to enable the use of both air/acetylene and nitrous oxide/acetylene flame types and maintains a stable, reproducible flame
  • Solaar Security software with all the tools required to comply with FDA 21 CFR part 11

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